Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Proposal of Land Art: Uncovering the Strata of the City

Uncovering the Strata of the City

When installed, this land art will bring a different awareness to the known environment of the city. It will bring together very different minds and connect them through a technological platform. It will change peoples’ perspective on the ground plane they are walking on in their daily lives forever and educating about the inner workings of the city.
This project will take a series of slabs from sidewalks around a given city and excavate them in an archeological fashion. The process is the most important part, test pits will be made in the sidewalk. I will remove all filler materials and leave exposed the pipes, wires, roots and structure underneath. Then using a material such as plexiglass I will cap off these pit so people can walk across them. For a person coming upon a piece of this art this empty space will be enough of a difference to cause them to asses what’s there.

Layered onto the tactile experience of this art installation is an added informational piece. An interactive identification of what was uncovered can deepen understanding of what runs underneath their feet everyday. There would be an online site created where people could post their own pictures and experiences, as well as discuss these art pieces.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Construction Document: Final Planting Pages

Final Plant Drawing Set
This is the pre-final drawing set for the planting part of my construction documents. I created plantings that supported the goal of creating the feeling of a meadow leading into a forest floor. Through careful plant choice and dense planting the spaces created will be a good balance of hardscape and soft scape. The lighting plan I'm creating will support the drama of the space by up lighting the sculptural Japanese Maple trees.

Planting Master Page
This is the planting master page, it serves as a master list of all the plants and specific details on how the plants should be planted. Since we are planting a roof garden I will need to adjust the sub layer to concrete.

Western Planting Plan
Finished! This is the main courtyard, the plants are all sun loving meadow plants. 

Southern Planting Plan
In the Southern Courtyard the transition from sun to shade is blended together. In the furthest south part of the courtyard deep shade plants provide bright foliage and blooms to light up the space.

Northern Planting Plan
The North Courtyard is similar to the Southern, it has more japanese maples bringing the space out to the North-South axis.  This courtyard exemplifies my planting design program of creating an Urban Forest Floor.