Tuesday, February 28, 2012

AutoCAD: The Process

Process Work: Planting Layout

This is a screen shot of what the model space drawing looks like. This is what I've been staring at for 8 weeks straight. There are three different line weights for the dense planting and a much darker one for the trees.

In paper space (the area where you set up how thing print) I have started to add the labels as place holders before going in and specifying which plant is which.

The Results

This is the West Court Planting, as you may notice AutoCAD isn't printing the line weights right because some layer options aren't working. Other than that it's about 70% done!

South Court

North Court

Now to get back in there and label all the plants and count them up. That's what the excel sheet's for, so I don't have to do all the math myself.

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